Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sony Play Station 5 (PS 5) Release Date, Price, Specs, Features, And Rumors in 2016

Sony PlayStation 5 (PS 5) Release Date, Price, Specs, Features, And Rumors in 2016-  Do you have Sony Play Station 4 in home? Sony PlayStation 4 is the king of home game console today, it beat the main competitor X-Box One from Microsoft. Sony has released this console just about 2 years ago, and now an information said that Sony Computer Entertainment will continue to develop next generation of game console called Sony PlayStation 5 (short name : PS 5).
Ilustration Ps5 Joy Stick
Sony Play Station 5 Release Date, Price, Specs, Features - We all here, have seen what the Sony PlayStation 4 abilities, begin from its graphic, and other features that made us to say “What a powerful game console”. I believe you (and also with me) want to know, the next generation of PS 4 game console. What is Ps 5 Specs? When Ps5 will be released? How much selling Price? What the special features?

Sony Play Station 5 Release Date, Price, Specs, Features - Here is complete of summary information about that, with many source of online media.
The PlayStation 5 will be released in 2020 or sooner, as per our current predictions (see below). This countdown is based on careful review of historical trends, news and information, leaks, research, and current gaming trends.

Playstation Release Date History
PS1 Release Date
December 3, 1994
Time Between
5 Years 3 months – 1918 days
PS2 Release Date
March 4, 2000
Time Between
6 years and 8 months – 2444 days
PS3 Release Date
November 11, 2006
Time Between
7 Years, 5 days – 2562 days
PS4 Release Date
November 15, 2013 (XBox One beat by 7 days)
Time Between
Approx - 7 years and 1 day - 2558 days total
PS5 Release Date
November, 2020

When is the playstation 5 coming out?

Sony Play Station 5 Release Date, Price, Specs, Features - The best estimate for the PS5 Release is November of 2020. The PS2 came 5 years 3 months after the PS1, the PS3 came 6 years 8 months after the PS2 and the PS4 came 7 years and 5 days after the PS3. So following this trend we would expect the PS5 to Release in 2020 or even later. Many argue that the PS5 will actually come out sooner. Read below to find how an early release date could actually make sense.

Could the PS5 be coming much sooner?

Sony Play Station 5 Release Date, Price, Specs, Features - While trends would dictate that the release date is in 2020, there have been signs that the PS5 could be coming to us much sooner. As early as 2017 in fact. There isn't any concrete evidence to suggest this yet, but we know that Sony is working on the PS5, and we know that the visions of both PlayStation and its developers are moving faster than technology allows. Take project Morpheus for example. Once we attach a virtual reality headset to the PS4, we're limiting the power it can output because we now have this new method of input that requires its own percentage of the PS4's power.

While the PS4 is far more powerful than the PS3, it still pales in comparison to the top-of-the-line PC builds out there. Without the ability to consistently upgrade the hardware as games become bigger and more demanding, the PS4 is going to run out of power sooner than later. We may not make it to 2020 with the power that it has in comparison to the games developers want to make. Unfortunately, Sony didn't create the PS4 with a long-term solution for hardware demands. It is what it is and once that juice runs out, they're going to need something better.

This has already been expressed by Shuhei Yoshida, the President of Worldwide Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment. In a quote that you can read in one our news articles below, he said that the PS5 depends on developer demand. This, combined with recent reports that AMD is working on their next chip sets means that the new console is not only being considered, it's most likely being engineered as we speak.

PS5 Release Date News

Sony Play Station 5 Release Date, Price, Specs, Features - To predict the launch date of the PlayStation 5, we will need to remove ourselves from the river of time’s rapid currents and emerge onto its shores. We will become quiet observers, occupying for a brief moment a dimension unknown to us. We have come back from our journey, the facts are below. The prediction is in place, and the stage is set for a new generation beginning on November 15th, 2020.
  • Will the PS4 be Sony's Last Home Console?
  • AMD Promising Five Times the Power on PS5 AMD is making some bold claims about their chipsets for the next generation of consoles. According to their projections, the PS5 will be five times more powerful than the PS4! How is this possible you ask? Find out in our full article!
  • PlayStation Hiring For Work on a "Next Generation Gaming System" A job posting appeared on the PlayStation website looking to hire a senior programmer. Are they hiring for the PS5?
  • Is PlayStation VR Holding Back the PS5 Release Date? Could it be that the PS5 is already close to completion, and Sony is holding back to try and make the PS4 last as long as possible with the addition of a VR headset?
  • New Rumors Suggest PS5 Will Use 3D Stacked RAM Now that researchers at Rice University have discovered how to create 3D Stacked RAM in a fraction of the time and cost, rumors are swirling that Sony will jump at this opportunity to use the technology in the PS5. Check out our full article for all the details!
  • Nintendo Begins Working on a New Console, What About Sony? With Nintendo officially confirming the existence of a new console to replace the Wii, rumors are out in the wild about how powerful it will be. Is Sony going to strike first with the PS5? Find out in the full article!
  • PS5 Release Date is early! A recent AMD presentation talked about the possibility of shorter console cycles. Does this mean we'll see the PS5 earlier than expected?
  • Internally Sony is already working on the PS5. The project has a secret code name just like the PS4 did that only select employees know.

A Few Predictions of (From Source)

Sony Play Station 5 Release Date, Price, Specs, Features - Thus far we've been hitting you with hard facts and rumors from other news sources, but we as gamers feel the need to throw in our own predictions as well. At this stage in the game, the more ideas we have, the better, because that drives us towards the ultimate goal of pinpointing the exact date of the PS5 release.

Earlier we mentioned that some people believe the PS5 could be coming as soon as 2017, and yet we remain steadfast in our 2020 release date. Why is that? Well, we do believe that Sony is working on the PS5, but we also know that consumers won't just jump ship from the PS4 when it's just hitting its stride.

Currently, the PS4 has sold over 20 million units worldwide and is leading over Microsoft by a large margin. There's no signs that it's slowing down either. E3 2015 showcased a huge number of great games and major franchises coming to PS4, and the announcement of a Final Fantasy VII remake threw gasoline on the fire.

The PS4 is riding high, and games continue to deliver. Some of the biggest flagship titles are coming in 2016, so why would Sony release a new console the following year? It would undercut the the PS4 success thus far.

While we do acknowledge the fact that the PS4 hardware is going to run out quickly because of its inability to be upgraded, we also point to the growth that he PS3 experienced in its final years. Compare a launch title like Resistance: Fall of Man to the original release of The Last of Us and you'll see that developers clearly saw ways to get more horsepower out of the system as the years went on.

Game developers are innovative and creative people. Yes, there will be a demand for power, but no, that won't stop them from finding ways to use what they have. What I'm saying is that our 2020 release date prediction for the PS5 is far more accurate that 2017 because releasing it then would just be bad for the PS4's success.

I think Sony is already running tests on the PS5 and I think it will be ready, or at least playable by 2017, but I also think Sony is going to play their cards close to their chest.
If the PS4 sales plummet or developers simply can't do what they want with the hardware available, then yes, Sony will unveil the PS5 to invigorate the market and build hype, but without the need for a new console in terms of business and innovation, Sony will keep things under wraps until the time is right.

I would like to play devil's advocate for a moment though. What if the PS5 is coming as soon as 2017? We've already discussed how the PS5 will most likely be a cloud-based on console so what if Sony is already testing the market for such a product?

We all know about PlayStation Now and if you don't, it's a streaming service like Netflix, but for games. Sony could be using this service as a testing ground to see not only if the public would support a cloud-based system, but if the demand is there. It's not an entirely far-fetched concept.

And then there's Project Morpheus, which some say won't run on the PS4 with its current hardware, at least not to the standards we want. It's true that this technology will require a large amount of power from the PS4, but would something as simple as this be the harbinger for the PS5? I think if virtual reality takes off like people think it will, then yes, we will see a Project Morpheus for the PS5 as a peripheral and possibly the main controller.

As it stands, we're going to keep scouring the internet for more clues, rumors, and news to keep this page as accurate as possible. 

So, whether you're saving money now to buy ps 5?


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