Thursday, April 6, 2017

Best and Natural Remedies for Stomach Ache in Home

Stomach Ache

Best and Natural Remedies for Stomach Pain in Home - Stomach ache is an unpleasant thing,because it is very disturbing our activities. Stomach ache is a common and frequently experienced by most people. Many factors cause of stomach ache, especially concerned with the food we eat.

If you get normal stomach ache,then you do not have to worry about and no need to consult a doctor immediately. Try the natural way and the materials that exist in your home to cure your stomach ache.

As with any natural cure, there are no guaranteed magic bullets, and We recommend seeing your doctor if you have chronic stomach pain. But if you've just eaten some funky take-out or if you're trying to relieve menstrual cramps, there are lots of natural alternatives to at least calm your belly.

Here's a list of twelve herbal and home remedies to help soothe many types of stomach discomfort.

1. Ginger

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties and other health benefits, ginger aids in digestion and can ease stomach pains. Fresh ginger is the most potent form, and I recommend making a simple tea with it. While there are many recipes for fresh ginger tea, I suggest peeling and grating the ginger for the best results. If fresh ginger isn't available, there are many varieties of ginger tea on the market.

Keep in mind that ginger can be spicy, so if you are sensitive to spicy foods, you may want to consider buying ginger supplements. Most health food stores carry the supplements, which can be found as pills or infused in a tincture. I wouldn't recommend drinking conventional ginger ale, since it is loaded with sugar, and if you look at the ingredients, most ginger sodas use artificial flavors and do not contain actual ginger. Reed's Ginger Brew is one of the more common natural ginger sodas, and it is sweetened with fruit juice and packed with real ginger. Some ginger candies contain real ginger, but most contain conventional sugar, which can upset the stomach.

2. Peppermint

Like ginger, fresh mint works the best to settle the stomach, and all you need is a cup of warm water and a few sprigs of mint to make a tea. Simply chewing on a mint leaf also works, and because mint is technically a weed, it grows well in most environments. You can also buy the tea or peppermint supplements. Peppermint candy tends to have sugar, so make sure you check the ingredients if you are buying regular mints. Mint also helps with digestion, stimulates the appetite, and it is one of the better remedies for menstrual cramps, particularly if you make tea with fresh mint.

3. Licorice or Fennel

Although licorice and fennel are two different plants, I have grouped them together because they are very similar in taste. If you do not like the taste of licorice, fennel, or anise, I would recommend using another remedy for an upset stomach. Licorice and fennel are found in many herbal teas, which is perhaps the easiest and most common form; however, they can also be found as supplements. If you like raw fennel, you can chew on a fresh slice of the bulb to ease indigestion or bloating after a meal. Licorice can be known to increase blood pressure and irritate ulcers, but only in large amounts, according to Medline. Many of the natural "stomach ease" teas contain licorice and fennel, so check the ingredients for the amount if you are concerned.

4. Lemon Water

Lemon is one of the most versatile fruits you can buy. If you don't have mint, ginger, or other herbs at home, just squeeze half a lemon into a mug of warm water. You can also use lemon juice if you don't have fresh lemon, but you'll only need a few teaspoons.

5. Warm Saltwater

I have only used warm saltwater to help with a sore throat, but I have heard that this formula works wonders for an upset stomach. One cup of warm water with a teaspoon of salt is all you need. For best results, drink it as quickly as possible; however, I wouldn't recommend this if you have other health issues, such as high blood pressure.

6. Baking Soda

You don't need to buy Alka-Seltzer to ease heartburn or indigestion. Any of the antacids on the market are basically just sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Mix one teaspoon (or two, depending on how strong you need it) into a cup of warm water, and you get the same results with a common household item.

7. Warm Rice Compress

Heat is one of the best ways to soothe stomach pain, especially cramps. If you don't own a heating pad, all you need is an old sock and some rice. Try to use a thick sock free of holes, and fill it with uncooked rice. Don't pack it too tightly, so that the grains have room to move around, giving it more flexibility. Tie the end and stick it in a microwave for about a minute. Make sure it isn't too hot before you place it on your stomach. You can also use flax seeds, which take longer to heat than rice, but they stay warmer longer. This works for sore muscles too, or you can put it in the freezer if you need a cold compress. Add dried lavender or chamomile flowers for a relaxing aroma.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

We use apple cider vinegar mainly as a natural cleaner or as an antiseptic, but it can also be used to assist with digestion, help absorb nutrients, and to treat stomach aches. Just put a few teaspoons in a glass of cold or warm water. To help absorb nutrients, drink it before the meal. Make sure you are using apple cider vinegar and not other types of vinegar.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Stomach Ache
  • Take a healthy diet.
  • Consume small portions instead of eating too much at one go.
  • Chew your food properly.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  • Avoid too much intake of spicy or fried foods.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Do breathing exercise and yoga.
  • Drink enough water.
  • After eating food, walk for 20-30 minutes.
  • Don’t go to bed after having a meal.


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