Thursday, May 4, 2017

Best 5 Air Conditioner Filters - Tips to Choose AC Filters for Best Price 2017

Make Own HVAC Filter
Top 5 Air Conditioner Filters 2017- One important part of your air conditioner is the air filter. For that you need to choose the best filter for your air conditioner, if you want to change your air filter you need to pay attention to various things to get the best AC filter product.

Everyone agrees that you should change your HVAC filter on a regular basis, but not everyone agrees on the type of filter you should use. Next time you go shopping for a furnace (or AC) filter, here are a few things to keep in mind. These tips can save you a bundle and perhaps even prevent you from inadvertently damaging your HVAC equipment.

The primary purpose of a filter is to protect HVAC equipment, not to improve indoor air quality, as many homeowners have been led to believe. Many furnace manufacturers recommend that you use a low-cost fiberglass filter, but when I asked a representative of one major maker, his response was “no comment.”

Perhaps this was because high-efficiency filters that are too good may actually slow airflow across the heat exchanger, reducing the unit’s efficiency, raising your energy bills, and causing furnace damage due to overheating. Similarly, a high-efficiency filter can freeze the condensing coils on an AC unit. (A dirty filter can do the same thing.)

Even more of a shocker is that furnace filters do relatively little to reduce the number of small particles you inhale. That’s because these particles tend to be in the air wherever there is human activity—and that’s not necessarily where your return registers and ductwork can capture them, according to research by the Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation (CHMC).

In addition, furnaces (and central ACs) run only seasonally. Even during the heating and cooling seasons, furnaces run only part of the time. So it stands to reason they are not filtering the air when the fan is not running.

Want to save money and stop wasting time trying to figure out conflicting furnace filter maker ratings systems? Make your next filter a permanent electrostatic filter (also known as a washable one). The kit I tried is available online and can be cut to fit most filter cabinets. Washable filters may be reused for 5 to 10 years and cost about $20 each. These filters should be rinsed once a month and prior to re-installation, they should be allowed to dry. Some permanent electrostatic filters include carbon filtration for odor removal.

Keep in mind that electrostatic filters are most effective when new and clean, so they should be washed frequently. Pre-made sizes are limited, but some manufacturers, such as WebProducts, will fabricate filters to your specs for about $35 each.

Top 5 Air Conditioner Filters in Amazon

One of the easiest ways to save money on energy costs and prolong the life of your furnace or air conditioning unit is to regularly change the filters. Our selection of effective AC filters includes options from inexpensive to hypoallergenic, and are capable of filtering out pollen, dust, pet dander and even bacteria and viruses. Skip to the best ac filter on Amazon.

1. Healthy Living Elite Allergen Reduction
The Filtrete Healthy Living Elite Allergen Reduction is an electrostatic filter with a Microparticle Performance Rating of 2,200, more than twice that of many filters. This allows it to capture even the smallest particles and ensures you are breathing clean air.

2. WEB WPLUS Eco Filter Plus
The WEB WPLUS Eco Filter Plus air filter costs about the same as a disposable filter, yet can be washed clean and reused for as long as a decade. It is extremely efficient and captures pollen, dust and dander-sized airborne particles.

3. AFB Gold Air Filters
AFB Gold Air Filters carry an excellent MERV rating of 11, and are well suited for multi-person and multi-pet homes. It's also a good choice for smaller businesses or retail locations that have a large volume of people coming and going.

4. CF100A1025 High Efficiency Air Cleaner
The Honeywell CF100A1025 High Efficiency Air Cleaner filter can keep on working efficiently for as long as a year in homes with moderate levels of airborne particles. It is 20 times more efficient than a typical 1-Inch fiber glass filter.

5. Filtrete Micro Allergen Defense Filters
One option to keep air clean is by using cheaper air filters and replacing them quite frequently. A 6-pack of Filtrete Micro Allergen Defense Filters lets you do just that. Despite being low cost, it still outperforms fiberglass, washable and non-electrostatic filters.


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